4t2 SP16 Sweater Crew Neck

A mesh edit of DeeDee’s 4t2 SP12 Sweater High Collar to have a crew neck instead.

What is it?

DeeDee’s 4t2 SP12 Sweater High Collar edited to have a crew neck instead. All credit to DeeDee for the conversion from TS4 to TS2. All we did was edit the collar and neck to be a crew neck instead of a turtleneck.

What do I need?

Depending on which package you choose you may need DeeDee’s original 4t2 conversion. You can find that here.

Which zip do I want?

More details on the CAS parts themselves further on. For now let’s go over what is in each zip.


This zip has the textures repo’d to the original 4t2 conversion by DeeDee and requires those packages to be in your downloads folder. There is a link to DeeDee’s post on tumblr earlier in this post. You can go grab the packages there if you want this version.

The appeal of this version is that if you already have or want to have DeeDee’s conversion you can use these packages without doubling up on textures and saving file space and reducing chances of pink soup.


This zip has the textures included in the adult files and then the teen and elder are repo’d to the adult.

The appeal of this version is you can use it without DeeDee’s original but still not have to double up on textures again saving file size and reducing chances of pink soup. Although why don’t you want DeeDee’s original? Really, it’s great!


This zip has the texture present in each and every package for each age.

The appeal of this version is you can have teen without adult or elder without adult. You also might want one color for one age and not the others.

Do NOT download and install all three!

While they will technically all work side by side and not conflict with each other, if you have all the packages in all the zips in your downloads folder at once you are increasing your chances of pink soup for no rational reason.

Where’s the mesh?

There is a folder included in all three zips that contains the meshes for each of the three ages. This folder is required for the sweaters to work regardless of which method you choose for the textures.

And now without further delay here are the download links. Remember to choose only one. If you are unsure which, go back and read the previous section again. πŸ˜‰




Terms of Use!

Stay safe, happy simming and have a great day!


The details and previews!
  • Ages: Teen, Adult, Elder
  • Female
  • Top only
  • Everyday, Outerwear, Maternity (adult only)
  • Proper fat morphs
  • Maternity morphs
  • All 9 original TS4 color options available.