TS4 Categories: Hair
The Chaos Hair by MonoChaos
Hello fellow simmers, So I was talking to a friend that has the same hairstyle as I do and we were both complaining about the lack of good sims versions of said hairstyle. So with some encouragement from the friend I made our hairstyle for the sims 4! I still hate creating hair. Both frames…
Commission 15 – Shinobido Mosu Ninjas, CAS Set for Burom by MonoChaos
Hello fellow simmers, Today we bring to you another commission for the lovely Burom. This time it’s the Mosu Ninjas from the game Shinobido. Enjoy! Some things to note: The hairs are not hat compatible. I figured they have a headdress attached making them hat compatible would just be silly. The full body outfits have…
Commission 11 – Streets of Rage, Victoria CAS Set for Burom by MonoChaos
Hello fellow simmers, Today we bring to you the final product of our third commission from Burom. A big thank you to Burom for another commission. This time we made the outfit of Victoria from the game Streets of Rage. The set contains a top, bottom, shoes, sunglasses and hair. The hair requires an age…
Commission 01 – Motorcity CC Set for Taylor
Our first commission goes to Taylor. They asked for a set of Motorcity CC. I hope they like it. 😁 We had never even heard of Motorcity before this commission so hopefully we got it close enough. We used a bunch reference images and stuff. We’re also now thinking about checking out the cartoon next…
Island Living HalfUpBraidOmbre Hair for Children and Toddlers by MonoChaos
Hello fellow simmers, Today I bring you the ombre recolor of yesterday’s upload. These ombre versions require the mesh from the hair uploaded yesterday. A link is provided in the details. Details: Island Living required Custom Thumbnail Required Mesh EA Naturals Linked Textures Ages: Toddler & Child Frame: Unisex Fashion Choice: Feminine Previews of all…
Island Living HalfUpBraid Hair for Children and Toddlers by MonoChaos
Hello fellow simmers, Today I bring you the Island Living female hair called “HalfUpBraid” converted to child and toddler. Hopefully tomorrow or in the next few days we’ll have the ombres of the 9 EA naturals posted as recolors of these meshes. With that said these do require Island Living as I’ve linked to the…
Toddler to Elder Male Undercut Ponytail
Hello fellow simmers, Today I bring you my own hairstyle for the sims 4 toddler through elder.I gotta say using my simself and my boyfriend’s simself to make a toddler and child for the screenies made me feel really weird… like bad weird. Anyway… the teen to elder version has all 18 EA color swatches…
Basegame YF Long Rocker for Children and Toddlers
Hello fellow simmers, Today I bring to you the basegame hair Long Rocker converted to children and toddlers. It is enabled for both boys and girls but it tagged as feminine. I tired to reduce clipping as much as I could without going insane, but there was a lot of clipping even in the original…
Get to Work Short Shaved for Children and Toddlers
Hello fellow simmers, Today I bring you another age conversion. This time it is a hair from Get To Work converted to both children and toddlers. Like the previous hair I converted this one requires the pack the original is from which is Get to Work this time. All 22 EA colors included, “salt and…
Backyard Stuff Bob for Children
Hello fellow simmers, I am back in the creating scene just as promised. Today I bring to you the wavy bob that came with Backyard Stuff converted to child. It requires the Backyard Stuff Pack to work as the textures are linked. The Ombre version works as a recolor of the basic version and thus…