TS4 Categories: Female Toddler Clothes

  • ACNH Inspired Dresses for Child and Toddler by MonoChaos

    Hello fellow simmers, And second upload of the day is June’s early access post. I present to you Animal Crossing New Horizons inspired dresses for children and toddlers. Yaaaaaaay! The one called “dollhouse” contains the mesh in both child and toddler versions and is required for the plaid dresses to work as that is a…

  • Long Sleeping Shirt for Toddlers by MonoChaos

    Hello fellow simmers, Today I bring you, another new mesh for toddlers. It’s a long tshirt for your little simmies to sleep in. This time in a rainbow of solids. I might upload some recolors of this at a later date. 😊 Enjoy! Details: Basegame compatible Custom Thumbnails New Mesh Ages: Toddler Frame: Unisex Fashion…

  • Summer Picnic Dress for Toddlers by MonoChaos

    Hello fellow simmers, Today I bring you, a new mesh for toddlers. It’s a cute ruffle dress that comes in a rainbow of gingham. Much like the previously posted cc this has been sitting completed for a while just needing screenshots. I was waiting for my two new favorite sims to graduate uni and start…

  • Little Painter’s Winter Coat by MonoChaos

    Hello fellow simmers, Today I bring you, an edit of an EA mesh for toddlers. It is the winter coat that was added a few patches back as a full body mesh. I removed the bottom part and turned it into a top. I am aware this was already done by at least one other…

  • Commission 01 – Motorcity CC Set for Taylor

    Our first commission goes to Taylor. They asked for a set of Motorcity CC. I hope they like it. 😁 We had never even heard of Motorcity before this commission so hopefully we got it close enough. We used a bunch reference images and stuff. We’re also now thinking about checking out the cartoon next…

  • Simple Toddler Night Gown with Ribbons by MonoChaos

    Hello fellow simmers, Today I bring you another frankenmesh for toddlers. This time it is a night gown. While creating this I also made another mesh in the process. It was completely unplanned but I liked the result at that step so I saved that as its own file. That one will be uploaded as…

  • Scalloped Collar Dress with Short Puff Sleeves by MonoChaos

    Hello fellow simmers, Today I bring you my third successfully completed frankenmesh for the sims 4. There were some hiccups in making this version but I got it working in the end. So here it is the short sleeve version of the collar dresses I posted almost a week ago. Details: Basegame compatible Custom Thumbnails…

  • Scalloped Collar Dress with Long Sleeves by MonoChaos

    Hello fellow simmers, Today I bring you my second successfully completed frankenmesh for the sims 4. I was working on this dress along side the dress I uploaded yesterday. It’s simply a long sleeve version of that dress. A combination of the same two Toddler Stuff meshes and a base game mesh. I may make…

  • Scalloped Collar Dress by MonoChaos

    Hello fellow simmers, Today I bring you my first successfully completed frankenmesh for the sims 4. I’ve tried several times before but would always rage quit before finishing. So anyway this is two meshes from Toddler Stuff mashed together to make a brand new basegame compatible mesh. There will be a long sleeve version of…

  • Sulani Traditional Toddler Dress in Colorful Solids by MonoChaos

    Hello fellow simmers, So I got Island Living a couple days ago and I’ve already recolored the toddler dress that came with it. It took a lot of fighting to make a base texture for the recolor but I managed to not rage quit. The first 6 swatches are bright and colorful the next 3…