Hello fellow simmers,
Following my recent trend of making my male shirts available on a female mesh here are the band shirts I posted a while ago for females. They have all the same designs as the male version and I updated the male version to have custom thumbnails and the swatches are now in the correct order. Again the selection of bands is simply some of the bands I like.
Edit as of 2022:
Since learning of Marylin Mansonβs abusive ways I no longer listen to nor support him in any way. The sims 4 package however will remain as is. I did not know of this information when I made the shirts available for the sims 4.
Credit for the logos and designs go to the individual bands and their designers. All I did was turn them into sims 4 shirts.
More details on the image under the cut.
And now without further delay here is the download link.