Simple One Piece Swimsuit now in Cutesy Patterns by MonoChaos

Hello fellow simmers, In the spirit of summer, today I bring to you a recolor of the little girl swimsuit I made about a year ago. The original is required for the mesh and is linked below. The patterns used can be found on this website: ColourLovers. Details: Basegame compatible Custom Thumbnail Required Mesh Ages:…

Hello fellow simmers,

In the spirit of summer, today I bring to you a recolor of the little girl swimsuit I made about a year ago. The original is required for the mesh and is linked below. The patterns used can be found on this website: ColourLovers.


  • Basegame compatible
  • Custom Thumbnail
  • Required Mesh
  • Ages: Child
  • Frame: Unisex
  • Fashion Choice: Feminine

Previews of all the color options under the cut.

And now without further delay here is the download link.


Terms of Use!

Happy Simming and have a great day.

